You can be a world-changer (and probably are already). First and foremost, it begins by touching lives in all the "worlds" around you.

Additionally, by becoming a partner with Uttermost Road, you are indicating your interest in following the journey, lending your support, in order to transform a few more worlds just down the road from yours.

Becoming a partner and "lending support" doesn't mean making a huge time commitment or a financial donation. Any and all expressions of partnership are significant and greatly appreciated. Partnering together can take on many forms:

  1. Read Uttermost Road blog for updates

  2. Schedule a speaking engagement

  3. Follow via social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter

  4. Meet up along on the road somewhere

  5. Participate in ministry or service project

  6. Tell your friends and spread the word

  7. Financial donation

  8. Buy a book

  9. Pray

Become a Partner

If you would like to partner with me, fill out the form below and I will get back to you.